We aspire to… 1. Have no creed but the Bible. We are committed to being Bible based, to let the word of God keep shaping and reshaping our beliefs and practices. 2. Be non-denominational Christians. We view the name “Church of Christ” as a descriptive term rather than a denominational title or affiliation. Thus our name simply means that we seek to be a fellowship that belongs only to Christ. 3. Be Christians only, but do not claim to be the only Christians. We never assume God’s job of judging the eternal destiny of others. To be sure, not everyone who claims to be a Christian is one. However, anyone who has entered into a saved relationship with God through Jesus Christ is a Christian and a member of Christ’s church. 4. We are an autonomous fellowship of Christians. This means that we have no organizational ties to any other local church. We are accountable to no one but God. We serve under a plurality of elders who provide spiritual leadership as we seek to follow no one but Christ. 5. Our worship is fairly simple and designed to keep the focus on God, not ourselves. One of the first things visitors sometimes notice is that we do not have musical instruments. We sing and do it with all our hearts. Those who have not heard unaccompanied singing before are usually quickly caught up in the beauty of the blended voices.